Skin in the game
Asking for help and support is not something that comes easy for me, especially when asking for money. I hadn't planned on doing so, but friends have been asking how they can give. One friend mentioned they felt like they were more invested in supporting me, both in prayer and keeping up with trip happenings when they have also support financially - aka having skin in the game.
If you feel led, please feel free to donate one of three ways outlined below. All three options will provide support to the people I visit and are not funds for my flights, accommodations, food, etc.
Kids supported by Impact Ethiopia & their new backpacks provided in 2011 during my first trip to Ethiopia
impact ethiopia
Impact Ethiopia is the church in Addis Ababa that I have partnered with during previous trips. They sponsor 28 children providing education costs and other life necessities.
My friend Rachel and I have backpacks ready to take but would like to fill them with school supplies before leaving. We need $14 for each child's supplies or a total of $280.
Additionally, if we raise more funds, the kids also need new clothing that would be purchased in Addis. Costs are still being investigated, but I estimate $25 per child on the high end.
We do not have a non-profit established to support Impact Ethiopia, thus any funds received are not tax deductible but are still very needed.
Baby class checking out the visitors at Greater Love School in Jinja (photo credit: Claire Hodgkins)
True impact ministries - Uganda
True Impact Ministries' mission is to mobilize and enable ordinary people to make an extraordinary impact on the lives of people in impoverished and developing areas.
They support orphanages in three locations across Uganda where kids have school and life necessities provided.
Donations received will be utilized while in Uganda upon identifying a need that can be fulfilled with the amount collected. Current goals for TIM including purchasing more farming land which would provide more sustainability for all and starting a vocational school - both would require a tremendous amount of support for launch.
Please select "Ames Mission" in the drop down when making a donation.
Some of the children supported in Krang Lovea (photo credit: Jeff Shamburg)
child rescue - cambodia
Child Rescue, Inc. has built an orphanage in Krang Lovea that supports thirty-two orphans with life’s necessities. They also support several widows and their grandchildren in a village east of Swey Reing. Additionally, through their partnership with the Goodwill Community Foundation (GCF), Child Rescue has established 17 English schools and 8 computer schools in the rural regions of Cambodia, and a Phnom Penh center.
Contributions will be used for a need identified once I’m in Cambodia. The goal will be to provide supplies/tools needed to help empower the children and families supported to help them provide for their own future.
Current donation set-up does not allow for notes to be added, but if you do donate, please email me and/or send a note through the Contact page of Child Rescue, Inc. so I can track total donations.