Joy Ames1 Comment

Christmas in Uganda

Joy Ames1 Comment
Christmas in Uganda

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! 

I am so blessed to have amazing family and friends who helped raise $2,000 for the Christmas party here in Mityana, Uganda. Kids that attend and live near the Maranatha Mizigo Primary School were invited for the day and we had more than 300 kids show up!


The day started out with singing and dancing.

A youth choir from a church in Kampala joined us.

The choir was amazing - singing carols including Feliz Navidad and then some other fun kid songs like Father Abraham - Mom, you would have loved it! They brought other kids up on stage to help lead the dancing routine and then the choir would follow their actions.

There were a few kids who were so tired...

Next up - LUNCH!

During lunch I sat down with two of the girls from the choir, Ruth and Martha. These sweet girls were so much fun and had plenty of questions about America. 

You might have seen my post on Facebook where Ruth asked if America was just like the movies. I replied that no, most of the movies are not showing what really happens in the US. She then asked if kids sing and dance on the tables during lunch to which I answered, unfortunately not. She was completely bummed out and said, "But that's why I want to go to America!"

I also shared some hand sanitizer that my sister had sent over from Bath and Body Works after lunch. They loved the smell so much and had to take photos with the bottle so they could remember it! 

The kids enjoyed playing on the playground and some games in the field behind the school after lunch - sack races, racing with an egg on a spoon.

My little buddy, Benjamin, of course had to take some photos of his own with my phone as well. Mostly selfies!

A Christmas cake to celebrate Jesus' birthday and those who had their birthday the day of the party helped cut the cake (yes, it was Martha's 18th birthday!!). 

Then, the moment the kids had all been waiting for... GIFTS!

Cathy, one of the teachers at the school was so appreciative of the party and after she'd told me thank you a few times, I asked if she would let me video her telling all my friends and family thank you because they are the ones who made the party a reality!

Last, a few other special photos from the day... 

THANK YOU again for all your love, prayers and support you've given not only to me, but to all those I've seen while on this trip. 

Only days left with my Ugandan family now before I head off on a tour of the country's national parks to see more of its beauty and amazing animals. Gorillas here I come!

Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!
— Luke 2:14 NKJV